HELP Catholic Students Society

Building a new generation of Catholic Leaders.


Cell Group Meeting


Friday, January 18, 2008

New Semester! Come As You Are!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Glory be to Jesus Christ! Slava Isusu Khrystu! Al-Majdul Laka Yasoo Al-Massih!
A new year has finally come!
After an eventful 2007, we are now in2008, with hopes that this will be a better year for everyone of us.Of course, every year has its ups and downs, and while we may hopethat 2008 will be better than 2007, 2008 will be an interestingchallenge for us.
Nevertheless, in wisdom, we leave and lift all our worries unto theLord and take some time to ponder upon the good that we've done. In asociety that demands perfection at inexistent zero defect percentages(Toyota rated Perodua MyVi's zero defect rate at 0.29%), we are alwaysworking hard to make ourselves look good when in reality, we arealready as good as it gets. After all, where being made in God's imageis concerned, our deficiencies and inabilities are immaterial. Somehow.
Therefore, in celebration of God's love for all of us (the CSS and ourindividual selves), we would like to welcome you by simply havinglunch with all of you at:
Venue: McDonalds Pusat Bandar Damansara
Time: 12.30pm - 2pm
Theme: Come As You Are!
Do come and make yourself counted. Hope to see you there!
In Christ-God,

Monday, November 26, 2007

Last Meeting - Learning to defy weekly routines, Hehe*

Here comes the end of the semester, which means this is the last week we will meet up, which means this is the last week I will be with you. As we near the end of the year and the start of Advent, if we have not learnt anything this year, let's remember to learn to surrender to our Father. Let Him teach us His will, because He is our Father. Cast all our anxieties on Him because He cares for us no matter what.

Firstly, let's talk about what we're going to do on our last meeting of year 2007.

We are skipping Bible Studies (tsk tsk) and going for lunch :)

We will meet at the Meeting Room at Level 3 (KPD Block E) for a short prayer before heading to lunch anywhere of your choice and vote ;)

Now I can rant.. hee*

I remember the first time I facilitated Bible Studies during one of our meetings :)
I remember all the laughter :)
I remember all the debates - well, not ALL, but few memorable ones :)
Most of all, I can remember when every single one of you walked into the room to join us. Although I may seem to be a forgetful person, I don't forget everything you know :P

I hope it's been a pleasure to meet me as it has been to meet you. I hope whatever friendship which has cultivated during the short time span that you and I have met, will continue to blossom and not die. I hope you found HELP CSS a channel of grace and learning, and not focus on our glitches. I hope you love God more and more each day, like I am learning to.

Dear brothers and sisters, it has truly been a pleasure in serving all of you.
God bless all of you. Here's a nice little poem to finish off~

Heaven's Grocery Store-Author Unknown
I was walking down Life Highway a long time ago,
When I saw a sign that read Heaven's Grocery Store,
As I got a little closer the door came open wide,
Then I came to find myself standing right inside,
I saw a host of Angels, they were standing everywhere,
One handed me a basket and said," My child, shop with care",
Everything a Christian needed was in that Grocery Store,
And all you couldn't carry, you could come back the next day for.
First I got some Patience, Love was in the same row,
Further down was Understanding,
You need that everywhere you go.
I got a box or two of Wisdom, a bag or two of Faith,
I just couldn't miss the Holy Spirit for it was all over the place,
I stopped to get some Strenght and Courage to help me run this race,
By then my basket was getting full.
But I remembered I needed some Grace,
I didn't forget Salvation, for Salvation was free,
So I tried to get enough of that to save both You and me.
Then I started up to the counter to pay my grocery bill,
For I thought I had everything to do my Master's will,
As I went up the aisle I saw Prayer and put that in,
For I knew when I stepped outside, I would run right into sin,
Peace and Joy were plentiful, they were on the last shelf,
Song and Praises were hanging near so I just helped myself.
Then I asked the Angel, " Now, how much do I owe?"
He just smiled and said,
"Take them everywhere you go",
Again I smiled at him and asked,"
How much, now, do I really owe?"
He smiled again and said,"
My child, Jesus paid your bill a long time ago"

Signing off with lots of agape,

Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekly Newsletter [Malachi: Last Messenger of the Old Covenant]

This Week's Topic>> Malachi (Last Messenger of the Old Covenant)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The end is near :)
Not that anyone's dying, but the stress is soon to be accelerated due to finals, among other things. This week, we will be studying on the topic of Malachi, who was the last messenger of the Old Covenant. Some questions for you to ponder on for more information on what the topic is on...
1) How do you decide the amount to put into the collection bag at Church or in the youth ministry?
2) Do you need to put in anything at all? (after all we're all still students, right?)
3) How do we rob God?
4) Do you hold strong to the saying, 'you reap what you sow'?
..Nearly every week we've been having a special sharing session we called it 'Highs and Lows of the Week'. I look forward to this session and sometimes it steals time away from the Bible Studies session :)
This is where we come together to share our worries and misery (lol) to each other and almost all the time, we walk out feeling better and strenghtened, knowing that there are people who are praying for what we're going through and that our Dad is always by our side if only we ask for His grace.. :)

For Worship this week, we'll be singing a song which I'm not sure if all of you know about, or not.. But hope you will find the tune beautiful, and find time to reflect on the words of the song, which is nothing extravagant, and yet... :)

If this has captured your attention, why not pay us a visit at:

When: Friday, 23rd November

Where: CFP Meeting room, KPD Block E, Level 3

Time: 12-2pm and fellowship afterwards

What to bring: A Bible and writing materials

Agape and God bless,

Monday, November 12, 2007

[Weekly Newsletter] Joan of Arcadia: Learning to channel creative energy for good

This Week's Agenda: Joan of Arcadia (Learning to channel creative energy for good)

Hi everyone! Yet another semester is coming to an end, and the closer it is to ending, the sadder I am becoming :) Excluding this week there would only be two more weeks left for me here with all of you.
Never mind, the au revoirs will come later.
Now let's concentrate on what I can still do together with you.
Last week, Josephine from Lifeline gave us (or me, rather) a surprise visit, and it was pleasant to have her :)
We did the Examination of Conscience as part of Worship, and Jo kindly affirmed us on that. Thanks Jo :)
This week, we'd be watching another series from Joan of Arcadia with the running theme of 'Learning to channel creative energy for good'. Since we all like to think ourselves as 'creative' people, what do we do with our brimming talent? :)
Noticing that someone/a group needs the energy is the first step.
If you find this interesting, have questions in relation to this topic, or simply to learn/share more about your faith with others, do drop by:
FRIDAY (16 November 2007)
CFP MEETING ROOM @ level 3 of KPD (E)
if in case we're not at the designated place, feel free to give me a call at 017 259 0376
12-2pm (fellowship afterwards)
Bring bibles and writing materials :)
1) "Who Am I ?" retreat for Single Male Catholics(19 – 25 years old)

This weekend at Maranatha Retreat House, Janda Baik will help you learn to connect your true self and make decisions that will change the way you are "being" rather than what are "doing".

Date : Fri, Nov 16(5pm) to Sun, Nov 18(5pm)

Spiritual director : Fr. Larry Tan, SJ

Cost : RM20 per day for 2 days for meals(accommodation is free)

For further information and reservation, contact Fr. Larry Tan, SJ(79550464 or email of Ms Berny Law at 79565977 ext 13 or email

2) TOGETHER UNDER ONE ROOF FOR 2007 - 24 HOURS IN LOVE (for your parents, more like) :)

All couples married for 10 years and below are invited to an exciting day filled with a dynamic session (on how to be "24 hours in love"), Mass, dinner and entertainment for the couples and children.

Date : Saturday, 17.11.07
3.30 to 6.00pm : Bilik Tony de Mello/Jenkins(for couples) and GYM(for children)
6.30pm to 7.45pm : Mass in church(for the whole family)
7.45pm to 10.30pm : Loyola Hall (dinner, games and entertainment for the families)

3) Lifeline Christmas Caroling 2007

Message from Music Ministry : "As the spirit of Christmas draws near, come join us by the giving of ourselves, time and voices as we bring a little cheer, joy and love to orphans and senior folks alike this Christmas. Caroling will be from the 8th - 20th December 2007 (with breaks in between, of course!). Practice details are as follows:

Venue: The Gonzaga Youth Ministries ("The GYM")
Time: Mondays and Thursdays 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Saturdays 8.30pm - 10.30pm

Let us have a meaningful Christmas of giving and sharing this year. See you there!"


This seminar is for youths between ages of 17 to 22 with the theme, "Deepening Our Discipleship". Details are :
Date : 11th – 17th December 2007
Venue : I.J. Convent, Cheras
Fee : RM 150
Age : 17 – 22 years old
Objective : To highlight awareness of being a youth, your interpersonal
relationships and the presence of God in all aspects of life.
To provide knowledge to make decisions in life.

5) Lifenight, A Call To Holiness: Human but Holy, Fri, 16.11.07, 8.30pm to 10.30PM, GYM

Come discover our vocation to holiness and how to remain holy here on earth. This will be the final talk for the year, so come all out.

6) 2008 World Youth Day Registration/Briefing

We are gearing up for the biggest Catholic youth event next year, and we want to invite YOU to be a part of this historic milestone. If traveling and meeting people of other cultures (including the Pope) excites you, if faith-stretching experiences get your adrenalin pumping, if you get a kick out of attending Mass with the rest of the Catholic (ie universal) Church – then sign up for World Youth Day 2008. Forms are available from the SFX church racks or your CG leaders. To avoid disappointment, get your forms in to the SFX Parish Office or your CG leaders by 11th November 2007, and keep the evening of Tue, 13th November (8pm) free for a Very Important Briefing at the GYM. For further info, contact Valarie Heng at (017) 6832096/

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

[Weekly Newsletter] David: Two Roads Diverged in a Cave

This Week's Agenda: David {Two Roads Diverged in a Cave}

What's life without decisions?
Frequently, we have to make them. And when we make them, we're expected to follow them, and like them. Sometimes we like the decisions we make, at other times we may live to regret them.
Do you ever wonder how differently life would be if only you had made the other decision?
How do you make your decisions in the first place? By talking to friends?..
By picking out the options at random? (ee-ni-mi-ni-my-ni-mo).. By consulting no one?
Or by deciding through prayer and faith? (which is easier said than done)
Can Jesus and/or the Church's teachings affect the decisions you make in life?
If you find this interesting, have questions in relation to this topic, or simply to learn/share more about your faith with others, do drop by:
FRIDAY (9 November 2007)
FRANKL LAB- if in case we're not in Frankl, feel free to give me a call at 017 259 0376
12-2pm (fellowship afterwards)
Bring bibles and writing materials :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Joan of Arcadia {Death be not Whatever}

This Week's Agenda: Joan of Arcadia {Death be not Whatever}
Sneak preview: God asks Joan to be on the lookout for people who need her help, even when they do not know how to ask for it. As Joan does this, she discovers how fragile humans beings are—and how painful it can be to reach out to them in love.
Most of the time, we fail in looking out for those who need help, especially if we ourselves need a helping hand. And then there are some of us who battle with asking for help. This makes us alone and delicate, and we may not even know it.
If you find this interesting, have questions in relation to this topic, or simply to learn/share more about your faith with others, do drop by:
FRIDAY (2nd November 2007)
12-2pm (fellowship afterwards)
Bring bibles and writing materials :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

[Weekly Newsletter] Encountering God

This Week's Topic>> Isiah: Here I am Lord, send me! (Encountering God)

FRIDAY (5th October 2007)
12-2pm (fellowship afterwards)
Bring bibles and pens and papers...

come, come, come!

: )

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